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Science Olympiad Competition

troy champs

Six years ago as part of an IB project former Troy HS Science Olympiad Captain and two-time national champion Nicholas Bowman started a Science Olympiad competition at Fisler to give 4th-6th graders an opportunity to try out Science Olympiad. Now in it's 7th year his dad and brother Alex have continued the competition and look forward to this year’s competition on Saturday March 14th. We hope you can join us for a fun day of science related competitions. The added bonus is that we will be selecting top students from this competition to represent Fisler at the Orange County competition on May 2nd at Jeffrey Trail Middle School.


sbChampsThe goal of the day is to provide Fisler students, who are interested in science and who like to compete, a chance to experience a small taste of what science olympiad is all about and have some fun competing with your friends. My hope is that you will enjoy it as much as I have and want to join the Middle school and eventually your High School Science Olympiad teams. One of the best parts of science olympiad is meeting new friends who share a love for Science.


soLogoFor the past 37 years SCIENCE  OLYMPIAD has led a revolution in science education. What began as a grassroots assembly of science teachers is now one of the premiere science competitions in the nation, providing rigorous, standards-based challenges to nearly 7,000 teams in 50 states. Science Olympiad's ever-changing line-up of events in all STEM disciplines exposes students to practicing scientists and career choices, and energizes classroom teachers with a dynamic content experience. 

** 2020 Events **
4th Grade - Deep Blue Sea

This event will challenge the students knowledge about oceanography.Ocean



5th Grade - Starry Starry Night

This event will test the student's knowledge of astronomy in 2 parts (identifying celestial objects and answering questions about astronomical facts and conceptsstars




6th Grade - Wildlife Safari

In this event students will demonstrate their understanding of basic ecological concepts and their ability to identify various plants, birds, and mammals with the use of a field guideleaf


Combined Event - Bottle Music

Students will tune a set of bottles by filling them with different amounts of water and use them to play a tunebottle music



Combined Event - Egg Drop

students will construct a package to protect an egg from breaking when dropped free fall from a high spot

egg drop